Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Online Dollar Earned

Just a quick heads up that Dan and I have put together a new course
at the Immediate Edge - showing the absolute best of the edge
in 14 days...

Which in a MAJOR coincidence... the exact amount of time you have to check out the edge in our
new Dollar trial offer (Ok...It may have not been that much of
a coincidence...)

For a limited time you can see what Dan and I do for a "Day Job"
for a single dollar!

There are no limits, you can check it out and see if you want to
have us as your Research and Development Lab... bringing the latest and
hottest developments in Internet Marketing in the easy to understand
style of the Thirty Day Challenge.


Let's be clear... the Immediate Edge is VERY different to the thirty day
challenge and we reckon the best way to see if it's for you...

Is to try it out!

If you like it...stay and you will get everything we have to offer
for $97 a month (i'd increase the price but Dan won't let me!)

If you don't - one press of a paypal button and your no longer
subscribed and you can keep what ever you downloaded.

To read all about the edge and to sign up for the $1 trial

Head over to

The new course is brilliant -in fourteen days we will show you a
dozen ways to amplify (all the way to eleven!) your online marketing

(if we do say ourselves....)

Ed And Dan

PS No PS This Time - A $1 trial is as fair as it gets and we will
close it down in a few days... so shoot over to



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